Saturday, December 29, 2007

Winter rides

Cape cod rail body but me out there today...nice and flat and no snow!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cookies! I love cookies...

For the past number of years I've been extremely dedicated to getting myself in the type of condition that I needed to be in, in order to compete against some of the best conditioned cyclists in the Northeast! But, over the past few days...I could not resists a shit load of cookies and a bunch of beer!...Maybe it's a Christmas Present to me? or I just need a few days of over indulgence? I must have gained about five pounds, there goes my power to weight ratio....

...I did sneak an hour in today...!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007's been a while...

I haven't posted any training results in a while but, I have been working on my base. Bunch of moderate efforts and some long endurance rides...not to exciting! I have decided to join a new team this season to expand my racing and possibly do some sick racing this year(2008). The team was basically put together to develop an Under 23 squad...but in doing so they acquired about 14 masters riders including myself...Looking forward to racing on the team!