Sunday, April 19, 2009


I received a used Moots Vamoots SL a few weeks ago and built it up with some sram red shifters and rear derailer(I can never spell this word!). I also have a DA drive train which actually works well with the sred. A few weeks ago I got back into the training mode and this past week I picked up the pace. 1+ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 2 hours on Saturday. And a nice 2 hour ride on Sunday with Jeff & Troy(no time for a nice 4+ hour ride). It was a pleasure riding the Titanium Moots, the thing was smooth and responsive especially with my Mavic Premium SL with some Swalbe 'R's. Jeff and Troy have been training for the Providence Marathon, their avg hr were well below mine. WTF! no more excuses, I need to ramp up the training and need a new goal! Maybe Green Mountain!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

TI! coming soon!

Picked up the training this week, nothing to exciting just putting in the efforts! I need to spend about 3-4 more weeks in-doors. My doctor would like me to remain off the "Road" for a few more weeks (4) before I try to use my shoulder again...we'll see.

I did treat myself to a little bike lust over the last few days...will be posting images soon.