Monday, August 27, 2007


...well since the MT Washington hill climb was canceled I still had one more event at this point to complete for the summer. Over the past week I road a few days and even ran once with the intent of possibly being in shape for some cross racing.

In regards to the LiveStrong challenge, I was taking this a bit lightly because I've done a hundred miles+ a few times and normally don't have any issues...This ride is a charity ride to raise money to fight cancer, so I figured it was going to be a casual ride with a few hills!...This ride had 8000 ft of climbing and one mother of a hill climb @ 55 miles in!...I saw a lot of people walking their bikes! Twelve of our thirteen TeamChristy riders completed the 100 miles (Jon A. signed up for 40)....

...Some notes of interest...Marty and Jeff B finished strong as did Kevin and Jeff S after Kevin crashed and had his bike fixed and his body bandaged! Brent (who is 59.5 years old) finished about 45 minutes after me on a bike that weighed 30+ pounds...
Jon B, Andy, Tim road 100 for the first time and finished strong...and to round out the group both Joe and Octavia finished strong as well...Hughroy finished the 100 as the broomwagon was close behind..awesome job everyone!

...I felt pretty good and some how ended up riding about 15-20 miles at the beginning of the ride in a paceline of 6 riders with the man himself leading out! (I was on the back!)

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