Friday, October 26, 2007

...Friday lunch time ride...

Doing a little base training!...Well since my cross experience last weekend, I think I'm hooked. Went out today with Jeff and we hammered down the trails in Bolton, Vernon, and Manchester and threw in a little hill climb for fun!...Nice to get the legs going again after a 2 week rest period (no activity except the cross race!)...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cyclo Cross - Kicked my Butt!

I did my first cyclocross race this weekend in Mansfield Connecticut, and man was it tough. My heartrate was well above maximum threshold for about 45 minutes...I've never thought about quitting a race but, this sucked (not really...pretty awesome, I'm just not in cyclocross shape!). I decided that I'd try the Master 35+ race "Mistake", these guys kicked my ass!...I wanted to do the "c" race but, my son's soccer was at the same time. The Mansfield race, I was told, is one of the tougher races throughout New England, Some steep climbs, logs, barriers, sand, water, roots, trees,...etc. My hat goes off to the guys that designed the course and the riders that lapped me! (Thank You)!!!

...Previous week, ran the Hartford 1/2 marathon, I sucked this time (ran with a cramp for about 5 miles). My buddies I run with kicked my ass! for the first time...I'll get'em soon! I was running @ a 8:30 pace...definitly, well above my training pace!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jamestown Classic

I haven't posted in awhile so I figured I'd update my training/racing results over the past few weeks. Not much to report other than I've been running a bit too much, a few medium distance runs (6+) and one 10 miler, to get ready for the Hartford Half Marathon...Should be a fun run...!? I did go out and do a pretty quick ride with my buddy Jeff and his friend Troy up to Massachusetts and back, about 44 miles.

...Jamestown was my first road race, it was pretty good race, I started with the group and was bored so I decided to go out in front and see if I could break up the group a bit. My legs just didn't have the juice!..too much running. So, backed off and recovered for a few miles. In Jamestown there is a nice little hill before the end of the race...This is usually where the race is won (so I'm told), just as we got to the hill someone made a bad move and crashed 4 or 5 riders. causing a number of us to stop and skirt through the wreckage. This was not a good thing, I got stuck in the wrong gear and basically out of the race.

....but regardless it was a good race we averaged about 23+ mphs. Maybe next year!