Monday, January 28, 2008

Toe Warmers...

Here's a little eye candy from the top of the Auto Road on MT Washington(I down-loaded this photo from

I'm not sure how many cyclist realize that riding a road bike in the winter is pretty awesome...If you have the right equipment and clothing...I've been riding as much as possible on the road to get my endurance rides in and do some LT work, because trying to do 4-5 hours of endurance on a trainer really sucks!

...two worth while investments; 1)GRABBER Toe Warmers and 2) EMS's heavy weight base layer jersey...

Did 2+ hours (recovery week) of endurance with a bit of snow and wind...20 degrees out and plenty warm!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Let's give it one more try!

Signed up to ride up MT Washington far I've invested $600 in fees and can't tell you how much in bike parts...and time...and effort...and sacrifice(my golf game sucks!) technical skills are slacking(hopefully my clients don't figure it out!)...

...but...I'm looking forward to putting on my car that famous bumper sticker "This bike climbed MT Washington"...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January (Global Warming!)

I’m doing my part and riding my bike. Was able to get out and ride with my buddy Marty on Saturday afternoon who’s longest ride since August 2007 was 8 miles and that was 3 days ago. Regardless, I was able to convince him to ride for 2 hours and do a bit of climbing(not much). Regardless of the time of year, I always run across one or two jack asses each ride. This ride was no exception; climbed up Hebron Avenue in Glastonbury (3 miles @ 6%ish) and get to the top and was taking a right on Brentwood Dr. when a jack ass tries to beat me to the turn and just about takes me out….He floors it and flips me off. All I could do was gesture with my lobster claw gloves (probably thought I was a Star Trek fan).

On Saturday went out for about 2 ½ hours off endurance with Jeff (should have been more like 4 hours). We headed through South Windsor into Ellington to see the cows…weren’t any cows…but, once again ran across a couple of jack asses. “hey nice spandex”…wow I haven’t heard that in awhile. Not sure what it is, people seem to be pretty brave when it comes to doing or saying stupid things while driving…Regardless, we ended up hooking up with another cyclist that rides with the CVC guys. Good guy, he gave a much better route to get back to where we needed to be…

…Good weekend of riding…especially since it was January in New England!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Long Slow Distance, today we went for a nice long endurance ride to Monson Mass for some coffee and then back again..60 miles in 4.5 hours...we definitely didn't break any records today, but we did have about 10 town line sprints to contest. One in particular was very sweet (actually the Massachusetts State line), Jeff lead me out for the victory! (Not that he was planning on leading me out) Thanks Buddy!

...great day for a ride...40+ degrees and sun! can't beat that in January!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Skating with the kids...sort'a

<= Skating in Orleans, MA...the pictures don't show it but there had to be over 300 people on the rink!