Sunday, April 13, 2008

My First Podium

To most racers this is no big deal, but to me it was pretty cool. I did my sixth race and ended up getting 3rd in 4/5 39+. Been racing for two years and finally got some points(4). Came inches from getting the top step...but my sprinting needs a little more work.

...My trainings been going pretty well. The last few races I've been able to cover most of the moves and also do some attacking.


The Cycling Chronicles said...

There is no doubt that is a great accomplishment! Every cyclist that has given the racing scene a shot knows just how hard it us to go from being a recreational cyclist to racing to a podium. Look forward to seeing you repeat!

Hurls said...

I was pumped...but it's not like winning 3 premes and barely getting beat on the line for second! See at races!!...we should have some numbers in East Hartford.