Sunday, September 30, 2007

8 Days a week

Ok, I'm officially toast! My legs need a day off!

Sunday - Ran 5+ in New Hampshire
Monday - Ran 6+ in Coventry
Tuesday - Road 1.5 hours, ended in the Dark
Wednesday - Ran 6+ Coventry
Thursday - Did a group ride (Actually just me and Jeff, ended in the dark)
Friday - Ran 5+ Coventry
Saturday - early morning tempo 1+ hours...cold!
Sunday - Road with Tom, Marty, Andy, Jeff S. in Coventry, Tolland, Willington, Storrs, Mansfield for over 3 hours...Colder still!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Rock Pile and the Kancamagus!

Mount Washington weekend without the bike...took the family up to North Conway to check out the sites; the Rock Pile, Down Town North Conway, Story Land, and the Kancamagus Pass(highway)...great weekend(long) get away.

Did get a run in along route 16 early in the running wasn't spectacular but, the scenery and weather was perfect. 4-5 miles?

We drove up MT Washington on Saturday because the weather was supposed to be a bit breezy on Sunday(80+ mph), and I was able to get a real good look at the course for next year. This does not look easy!...after the 4000ft marker it looks real tough, steep climbs (especially at the end) and the wind will be ridiculous...On Sunday, we drove home on the Kancamagus and some of the views were awesome (The picture above is from the Kancamagus looking south). One thing is for sure, riding the Kancamagus on my road bike was just put on my list of things to do(I'd also love to ride that on a Harley or a BMW!).

Thursday, September 20, 2007

...Octoberfest came early this year!

Today, I had the best intentions to do a two hour tempo ride, but, my body said no. I've been trying to find some goals to keep me motivated over the next few months before the wonderful New England weather decides to pop it's lovely head up again! I've been running and riding and not really resting the today I'm sitting at the computer and drinking a Sam Adams Octoberfest!

Since my last post, I've continued to ride and have increased my running with the hopes of being ready to run the Hartford Half Marathon. My cardio is a go but, the legs still need some work....I ran 5 miles Saturday and another 5+ miles on Sunday at a moderate pass with my training buddy "Jeff"; my knees where killing me, so I took Monday off...and got back on the bike Tuesday for about 1.5 hours and climbed about 2300 ft over 24 miles...ran a relatively fast pass for about 6 miles on Wednesday. So if I can get up to 10 miles within about 10 days I'll do the half! and also the road race on October 8th in Jamestown, RI.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lunch time ride...

Snuck out for an 1+ hours through Coventry & Tolland. Got'ta love working from home!


Monday, September 10, 2007

Friendly competition

Sunday morning ride with the guys is usually a "hammerfest" by the end of the ride and this Sunday was no different. We road about 32 miles throughout Glastonbury (they have high taxes, which translates into nice roads!)...We climbed over 2000 ft and ended the ride with a nice 3 mile tempo ride up Hebron Ave (6%). It usually ends up with me and the human machine (Jeff S) going head to head up the hill, and everyone else showing up at the top eventually! And this Sunday, the ride up Hebron avenue was a little more competitive than usual. I'd have to say, I road his wheel 80% of the climb, and at the top I tried to sprint past him, nope...legs said no f'ing way.
Side note: Running really does suck? (I think)...decided to change it up today and go for a nice little 40 minute run (20 out and 20 back)...I surprised myself by not saying fuck it and walking home! 5+ miles...nice endurance run...getting ready for the Turkey Day run 32 minutes! I have got some speed work to do and have to continue riding, scheduled to race in the Jamestown Classic...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Morning Rides..and soccer!

Can't beat an early morning ride in September before a day of soccer!...My son played in the morning with the K's...he actually enjoyed it this year!...My daughter played with her travel team and played one of her best games; she was in the right position for three potential goals...she's come a long was since her days of picking flowers during the game! Awesome day of soccer!

Friday, September 7, 2007

41 Sucks!...not really!

Well...I thought 40 was a tough pill to swallow...41 sucks! Well not much you can do, just hair replacement and plastic surgery! Screw it, I'd rather buy a nice rig!

I been taking it rather easy without any goals in the near future, so I've actually been out riding and enjoying it. Doing hills is starting to be fun again. Still waiting for my riding buddies at the top...I do have a new goal, actually two; don't get fat and run 4.7 miles on Thanksgiving day (Manchester Road Race in under 32 minutes). My best time was 33+ minutes in some nasty cold rainy conditions...let's see what happens.