Thursday, September 20, 2007

...Octoberfest came early this year!

Today, I had the best intentions to do a two hour tempo ride, but, my body said no. I've been trying to find some goals to keep me motivated over the next few months before the wonderful New England weather decides to pop it's lovely head up again! I've been running and riding and not really resting the today I'm sitting at the computer and drinking a Sam Adams Octoberfest!

Since my last post, I've continued to ride and have increased my running with the hopes of being ready to run the Hartford Half Marathon. My cardio is a go but, the legs still need some work....I ran 5 miles Saturday and another 5+ miles on Sunday at a moderate pass with my training buddy "Jeff"; my knees where killing me, so I took Monday off...and got back on the bike Tuesday for about 1.5 hours and climbed about 2300 ft over 24 miles...ran a relatively fast pass for about 6 miles on Wednesday. So if I can get up to 10 miles within about 10 days I'll do the half! and also the road race on October 8th in Jamestown, RI.

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