Monday, September 10, 2007

Friendly competition

Sunday morning ride with the guys is usually a "hammerfest" by the end of the ride and this Sunday was no different. We road about 32 miles throughout Glastonbury (they have high taxes, which translates into nice roads!)...We climbed over 2000 ft and ended the ride with a nice 3 mile tempo ride up Hebron Ave (6%). It usually ends up with me and the human machine (Jeff S) going head to head up the hill, and everyone else showing up at the top eventually! And this Sunday, the ride up Hebron avenue was a little more competitive than usual. I'd have to say, I road his wheel 80% of the climb, and at the top I tried to sprint past him, nope...legs said no f'ing way.
Side note: Running really does suck? (I think)...decided to change it up today and go for a nice little 40 minute run (20 out and 20 back)...I surprised myself by not saying fuck it and walking home! 5+ miles...nice endurance run...getting ready for the Turkey Day run 32 minutes! I have got some speed work to do and have to continue riding, scheduled to race in the Jamestown Classic...

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