Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tapout Marathon!

...Sat on my bike in front of the trainer and got caught up on Tapout!. 2.5 hours of watching guys get their heads beat in while I did my workout...good stuff!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Valley Falls...20 years later

I was trying to come up with a different route for todays ride...and fortunately or unfortunately I dropped my wife's car off in Bolton and decided to ride home from there...so why not do a little climbing...This included my old stomping grounds(hill); Valley Falls I used to climb this with a couple of buddy's from High School on my Vitus (Steve Michaud, Steve Chormanski, John Tinney, Steve Albert and occasionally Don Lindi)...Not the same without that crazy dog chasing us...so anyways, at the top of Valley Falls take a quick left and a right up Hatch Hill. Not a real difficult climb but, when I'm climbing in my 39/21 setup and my 21 keeps skipping to the point I see sparks! It's makes the climb a bit more of a pain in the ass!....
...not sure of my miles or averages or any other stats for that matter...just that I climbed 5 descent hills...Valley Falls (Vernon, CT), Hatch Hill(Vernon, CT), Dart Hill (Tolland), Merrow Rd(Coventry), Lewis Hill to Ripley and then closed it out by going back up Gardner Tavern Rd...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekend at the Cape!

...took Thursday off and road with Jeff on Friday up at the cape...road for about 3.5 hours from Dennisport to Welfleet and back and over to Mayflower...way too many people up at the Cape...! Average 19.1 mphs and once again my crank started to creak!

...On Saturday after watching Levi "almost" kick some Aussie butt! I decided to see what it was like to time trial for an hour...no where near the effort required to win the tour but, maybe someday...road for an 1.15 minutes and completed about 21 miles before I had to go eat and drink a beer!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

See Yah! Cheater!

...well I got to watch Rasmussen win his final stage of the Tour de France while on my trainer and then read on velonews.com that he'd been fired! Awesome...

...Spent my night on the trainer for 1.5 hours doing two 15 minute tempos...not to exciting!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dopers Suck!


They're killing the sport...don't they get it? I guess not...

Well today was the Tuesday night training crits in East Hartford, great night and about 60 riders composed of 3 teams and bunch of independent riders. My buddy Marty decided to show up and ride, I think he needs a few more races in order to get his legs (he has potential)...I've been riding with 4 others during the past few weeks and we've been talking about taking on some of the teams and try to break-up the peloton and get off the front and go for the win. We went at about 20 minutes into the race (probably a bit to soon), we did get away but...Unfortunately, we only had 3 of us and the break didn't last. But, it was a rush! knowing that we have about 60 riders trying to catch us (old guys).
...I did feel pretty good..I went for a prime, and was out sprinted at the line..

...Training: warmed up for about 45 minutes and raced for 35+...max heart rate sky-rocketed to 189(my previous max was 182)!! Averaged 25 mph during the race...have two weeks between races and running out of training days for MT Washington!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Today...went for an hour 1/2 and about 24 miles and averaged 16.9mph, climbed 5 hills...and maintained an average hr of 146...my goal was to cause some hurt today. Need to get in better climbing condition for Mt Washington!

...Ascutney results...ended up 95th 37.38 minutes
...Kevin who climbed Ascutney with a 39/27!!! ended up 163rd 43.17


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ascutney - Climb

...Ascutney climb sucked! Hardest thing I've ever physically done, the first 2+ miles was straight up!...At mile 3 it flatted to about 6%, I'm guessing. The last 2/10ths were @ 26% brutal! My heart rate max'd to 182 and my average was 176!!

...I completed it in 37+ minutes, little bit longer than I expected but...maybe next year!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Two days before Ascutney

...getting prepared to climb MT Ascutney with Kevin, should be fun..been taking it easy most of the week and nursing a sore back(not sure what it's from). Ascutney is in two days...leaving around 5:30 to get there at 8:15 in order to warm up a bit.

..Also ordered jerseys for the Livestrong challenge in Philly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First Post

Blue Ocean Cycling blog is geared towards my Cycling Training with the goal of climbing Mount Washington within 1 hour and 20 minutes.

...prior to this post I've been training since February 2007 to accomplish this goal

..the last two days have been recovery rides for(easy spin) approximately an hour...on Sunday I road with four others in Massachusetts, the ride was 109 miles and 7700 feet of climbing and averaged 18.1mphs which included Mount Wachusett.