Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dopers Suck!


They're killing the sport...don't they get it? I guess not...

Well today was the Tuesday night training crits in East Hartford, great night and about 60 riders composed of 3 teams and bunch of independent riders. My buddy Marty decided to show up and ride, I think he needs a few more races in order to get his legs (he has potential)...I've been riding with 4 others during the past few weeks and we've been talking about taking on some of the teams and try to break-up the peloton and get off the front and go for the win. We went at about 20 minutes into the race (probably a bit to soon), we did get away but...Unfortunately, we only had 3 of us and the break didn't last. But, it was a rush! knowing that we have about 60 riders trying to catch us (old guys).
...I did feel pretty good..I went for a prime, and was out sprinted at the line..

...Training: warmed up for about 45 minutes and raced for 35+...max heart rate sky-rocketed to 189(my previous max was 182)!! Averaged 25 mph during the race...have two weeks between races and running out of training days for MT Washington!

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